Today started off early, I forgot to set my alarm clock back to go off at 5 a.m. so insted I woke up at 4:35 and didn't realize until I was already ready. So I had extra time so I put on some make-up mainly to cover up the fact that I was super tired and my eyes were puffy. But I got compliments so I accomplished my task, only one person could tell that under my make-up fabricated mask that I was uber tired. In seminary we did a thing about Noah and the Ark, it was fun with different activities and my family was awesome Matt Mortensen was our "Father and Morgan Carter was our "Mother" so it was fun... in the one game with scripture mastery I figured out that they were going down the list so after our group left the teacher started mixing it up lol :D. then I went to school yes it's something everyone has to do even when it's 107 degrees farenheit and on top of that it is super humid. I spent before school in the library talking with this girl in my choir class her name is "connie" and with my former soccer/pole-vaulting buddy Selina (I don't know how to spell or even pronounce her last name). So while I was "reading" we shared our creeper stalker stories which was hilarious but creepy.
Photography: My dads camera was acting up but I used the class issued set which worked surprisingly better than I thought.
Break: Well at our table we broke out the cake balls and Sunny D it was a splendid time if I do say so myself luckily no one was poisoned and the cake balls were in a sense "delicious" as stated by a source.
Econ: So we had Market Day which was for educational purposes but an excuse for bringing food and eating it in turn so I had the chance to make cake balls and they were awesome and some one had broughtin taco bell and they are now forever my best friend :)
(P.S. I meant to publish this a week or so ago sorry for the lateness of this)
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
One of those Days :/
So today started out really good I was so anxious I barely got any sleep last night and Seminary was just as wonderful as it always is for 6 a.m.. From there it went downhill lets just stick with that.... photography is going to be fun though and I'm looking forward to graphic design but today was just BLEH!!!!!!!!!! Oh well, you know what they say tomorrow is a new day!!!!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Ready For The Weekend
You won't believe how much High School wears you out it's crazy!!!!!!!!!! It's only the second day back and I already feel like this is going to be a very long senior year :/ Bleh! Ok so 3 awkward things happened to day/ made me feel awkward:
1. I got these huge ACT and SAT prep books for well preparing for the ACT and SAT and I didn't have room for them in my backpack so I carried them around in my arms. Any way better to get someones attention let me know everyone was giving me this "Oh My Gosh this girl is a super geek look and she's in my class" kind of look so that was super awkward everywhere I went I got this look not so fun.
2. The T.A. for my Prob and Stats class took major effort and twisted himself around a bit (literally) to hold the door open for me and my friend. which I don't mind when guys hold the door open for me but to put that much effort and seconds before I went through the door was a bit well AWKWARD. you might not think sobut if you had been there you would know what I mean.
3. My english class is unusually quiet which is nice, just a bit awkward when the teacher is so into class and wanting actual responses out of the class, that she stares at you for a long time expecting you to talk or something. I'm a quiet person generally so I was feeling a bit awkward as i sat there trying to avoid eye contact but could still feel her gaze on me.
Well that's all there really is for today, totally looking forward to my 2 day break, signing out
1. I got these huge ACT and SAT prep books for well preparing for the ACT and SAT and I didn't have room for them in my backpack so I carried them around in my arms. Any way better to get someones attention let me know everyone was giving me this "Oh My Gosh this girl is a super geek look and she's in my class" kind of look so that was super awkward everywhere I went I got this look not so fun.
2. The T.A. for my Prob and Stats class took major effort and twisted himself around a bit (literally) to hold the door open for me and my friend. which I don't mind when guys hold the door open for me but to put that much effort and seconds before I went through the door was a bit well AWKWARD. you might not think sobut if you had been there you would know what I mean.
3. My english class is unusually quiet which is nice, just a bit awkward when the teacher is so into class and wanting actual responses out of the class, that she stares at you for a long time expecting you to talk or something. I'm a quiet person generally so I was feeling a bit awkward as i sat there trying to avoid eye contact but could still feel her gaze on me.
Well that's all there really is for today, totally looking forward to my 2 day break, signing out
Thursday, August 11, 2011
So today was my first day back to school and it was my first day of being a senior!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beginning of every school year at Murrieta Mesa High School we have an assembly on commiting to graduate and not to be the "empty seat" if anything it was far from boring, as our principle came in on a helicopter wearing a wonder woman costume. Now this might sound like I totally made it up but it happened! Crazy things happen at our school 'cause we are Mesa.... Anyway afterwards we took a picture out on the field. The rest of the day went well and then there was Creative Writing and for starters i knew it wasn't going to be an ordinary class because well my friend Brant is in it and he is anything but dull so that was probably the most exciting part of my day!!!!!!! I'm slightly rethinking my schedule because I do not want to have math every day. So then there was cross country after school it was supposed to be a nine mile run but due to sevre shin splints I only ran four then went back to the school and had an ICE BATH....(don't ever do it if you can avoid it because well it's FREEZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!). That's my day in a nut shell signing out -ASHLYN :D
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Cross Country
So on monday I started my first day of cross country. I have always had a respect for cross country runners because I don't do long distance, but now I have a newly found deep, deep, deep, respect. Because until you step into some ones shoes and go through what they go through, can you truly understand. So needless to say I started cross country I'd love to say that as an athlete I was awesome the first day, but since I'm an out of shape athlete it kills....litterally I was in worse pain than I have ever been in, in my life and I have had my fair share of painful experiences. Today was my third day of cross country and luckily I'm doing better I'm sore but not as much as I was these past two days. Signing out,
- AshLyN
Monday, May 23, 2011
Taeyang - Wedding Dress (Official English Version) Music Video
Love this song it's amazing the piano is really cool but you can't really hear it with the other sounds. Hope you enjoy
Friday, April 22, 2011
SpRiNg BrEaK vAcATiOn
The past two weeks have been spring break for me so in these past two weeks i have turned seventeen :), gone red rock climbing, got a bit red myself, and gone to vegas for the most of this week. Man thats a lot ... but I'm so glad I'm home "there's no place like home". In Vegas we stayed at the cancun resort. On wednesday we went red rock climbing at the red rock canyon and I got fried out in the sunbut it was fun watched some american idol and called it a day. Thursday we went to circus circus to their adventure place where they have rides and games it was fun then we left for the Mac King magic/ comedy show and it was great! We ate at a buffet and went back to circus circus before going back to the resort. And today we packed up and left so now I'm home and easter is right around the corner. Signing out... AsHLyN :D.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Had a choir festival and it was super fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got out of english early(thank goodness), then we left the school around 9:27 festival started a little after 10 o'clockand ended at 11:58. Afterwards we went to chipotle which is one of the most amazing mexican restraunts EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so much fun being there with the choir and I saw so many people i knew before leaving a church leader and fellow classmate and my aunt and cousin so it was this huge fun gig at chipotle and before we left we sang "Come to me O' my Love". and that is it for now since i need to work on the junior class project. :)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Life has gotten a little crazy these past few weeks between track and feild, dealing with a dreaded substitute, trig grade slipping, and the Junior Class project. Well I wish I could say that my high school years were some of the best in my life, that would be a lie. I'm so sick of high school at this point and I'm not a Senoir so i can't claim that I have Senioritis. I can't believe it I have now failed the written permit test twice; but third times the charm, right? From track i have gained this awesome new tan line or maybe a burn line i don't tan just burn. My best friend is going to college she made it to BYU Provo :) so she's looking forward to it. Speaking of college I'm going to a track camp then a youg ambassadors camp up at Provo over the summer and am so stoked. Ok so I saw the Justin Bieber Movie last friday and it was good surprisingly enough. well that's all thats happening for now.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Cuz it's JV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Fashion :D
For me fashion design is my dream job I love drawing dresses (mainly) and cute outfits... Anyway I have convinced my parents to let me take sewing classes but I'm not going to do soccer or track and field huge change for me but my mom and I are going to go running every night. I don't have any pics of my fashoin designs but once I do I will make a new page for them so they will all be together.... that's all for now live love and laugh.
<3 ashlyn
<3 ashlyn
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Eine Erinnerung furs leben....
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Back to School
First day back and already ready for vacation, I started off the day with english and I had the hardest time trying to stay awake because I have 6:00 a.m. seminary meaning I woke up at 5 a.m. Plus my class is not that exciting. Anyway then we had break and i was ready to go home but had to instead go to chamber choir which was fun we didn't sing though just gearing up to what's going to happen this year. Lunch.... German 3 was pretty exciting my favorite class by far :) we were discussing things that were going on that kind of thing. Then track and field P.E. but since I am in high school soccer Coach Ballou doesn't have us practice until the season is over :( Soccer Practice same old same old and that was basically my day in a summary. So you know it's pretty boring to say the least......all you students know it.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
I cant believe it oh my gosh.... I'm so sore plus I have a rasberry :( (btw a rasberry is when you slide tackle and lose layers of skin to where you are not bleeding but raw would be a good term) so I used these huge sterile pads thats what they're called so I put that on plus i had to use medical tape to ensure it doesn't come off. The game was fun besides falling into the mud ...gross>_
Monday, January 3, 2011
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Julia… where to start she is positively a shining star in every way literally. She is involved with many drama productions and is involved with school choir and drama. I met her in middle school… I think I was at least :D. Anyway she is really funny when she is super tired and you say something to her and she thinks you said something else for example…Chelsey said, “lets go to the forest and read.” Julias interpretation, “lets got to the pool of sunweeed?”. She is a very sweet person and part of the crew (aka one of my best friends.) and we all love her oodles and joodles.
New Years Eve to 2011
well N.Y.E.(new years eve) started out with my dad making breakfast which consisted of eggs, tater tots, and ham. BTW my dad does not usually make breakfast but as of late he has surprised some of us in our family. then i went about my day re-cleaning my room doing dishes then i went to lunch with Warren Will Chris and Jared my four brothers to in-n-out btw is the best place to get fast food just saying... then around 6 i arrive at julia's house to get ready for the new years dance and the dance didn't start til 9 so me Chelsey, Julia and Allie head out to little ceasars to get some pizza and breadsticks we get back and by the time we finish eating it's like only 7 so still got two hours to kill. so we go do our make up, hair and all that jazz julia decided to curl her hair which turned out bad but once she pulled it up into a ponytail it looked extremely cute i'll see if i can post some of the pics then we settled down for a long game of apples to apples to pass the time and then we finally get to the dance nad its crazy because when you live in murrieta and your a teenager there is nothing better to do than go to the new years dance on N.Y.E. so there were quite a few cute boys and chelsey met two people me and julia call them her lovers :D. by this time cameron has joined us btw is allies boyfriend . so we dance until the count down and had lots of fun but extremely tiring. afterwards we all drive home and i totally crash then this morning my dad made his special pancakes which are delicious taken to a whole new level. then i had a tickle fight with my little sis marissa since she stole my pillow and guess what i passed my drivers ed i know i can finally get my permit isn't it exciting :0 so thats all. happy new years everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(i couldn't put in everything i had wanted so thats that :)
(i couldn't put in everything i had wanted so thats that :)
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